Some American lawmakers and organisations want to torpedo the H-1B visa program.
Described by United States President Barack Obama as a "trailblazer", Indian-American Srikanth Sri Srinivasan has moved closer to become the first South Asian circuit court judge in the history of the United States.
The much sought after H-1B visa programme, particularly among Indian technology graduates, discriminates against women.
Getting the popular work visa will become tougher for Indian-Americans.
The Federal Bureau of Intelligence has admitted that it was fully aware that Wade Michael Page -- who killed six Sikh worshippers at a gurudwara in Oak Creek, Wisconsin on August 5 -- was a racist and neo-Nazi. But, the agency said, its hands were tied as he had not committed any criminal act preceding his killing spree.
In the aftermath of the worst massacre of Sikhs in the history of the United States, when on August 5, 19 influential US Senators, led by California Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein, have written to US Attorney General Eric Holder, urging the Justice Department to track hate crimes against Sikhs.
"SEE YOU IN COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!" Trump wrote, indicating his anger at the verdict.
The court asked challengers of the ban respond to the appeal, and for the Justice Department to file a counter-response by Monday.
The 2020 race marks Biden's third attempt at running for US president. He first tried in 1988 but dropped out after allegations of plagiarism. He ended his second attempt in 2008 after garnering less than one per cent in the crucial Iowa caucuses.
In a furious and emotional opening statement, Kavanaugh delivered an extraordinary rebuke over the sexual assault allegations against him while defiantly stating: "You'll never get me to quit."
Republican United States Senator John Cornyn of Texas, the founder and co-chair of the newly reconstituted US Senate India Caucus, believes that the Caucus is 'really unique' because "it's the only country caucus that I am aware in the Senate."Cornyn addressed the packed audience of Indian Americans community leaders from across the country.
A bi-partisan group of some of the most influential US Senators has called on the Sri Lankan government to expeditiously alleviate the suffering of thousands of Tamil refugees and return them to their homes by the end of the year.
A proposed online search advertising deal between Yahoo and Google came under fire at a US Senate hearing as Microsoft claimed that Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang had himself admitted that the agreement would hurt competition.
Wray, 50, received an overwhelmingly bipartisan support -- 92-5 votes -- on the Senate floor.
After a promising start in the Senate, a plan to nearly double the quota for H-1B visas for foreign workers has run into trouble in the United States Congress.
The US president is facing off against a series of accusations put together by a team of investigators.
A classified report delivered by the Justice Department to House and Senate investigators does not confirm President Donald Trump's allegations.
This is the highest number of Indian-Americans in the history of the US Congress.
Donald Trump, on the verge of becoming the third United States president to be impeached, has attacked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and accused the Democrats of an "unprecedented and unconstitutional" abuse of power as he described himself as a victim of an "illegal, partisan attempted coup."
Indian Ambassador to the US, Ronen Sen met influential American Senator John Cornyn in Washington to discuss the two countries' "shared fight" against terrorism.
Here's a glimpse of all that happened around the world last month, in 14 images.
India has no work visa similar to the H-1B, nor a reciprocal arrangement with the US. India does not provide employment authorisation to spouses of those who hold an Indian employment visa.
The bill moved after months of closed-door meetings by a group of eight bipartisan lawmakers, known as the Gang of Eight, aimed at striking a balance between enforcement provisions sought by Republicans as well as Democrats, including making citizenship widely accessible to those illegally in America.
"I did not resign. Moments ago I was fired. Being the US Attorney in SDNY will forever be the greatest honour of my professional life," Bharara tweeted from his personal verified Twitter account, making a reference to his jurisdiction the Southern District of New York.
Jeff Sessions, a close confidant of US President Donald Trump, was on Thursday confirmed to be the next attorney general, after a historically tumultuous process that saw the senator come under fire for his views on race and civil rights.
The measures passed 236-191 votes immediately drew sharp reaction from the White House.
She will replace controversial Brett Kavanaugh who endured a bitter confirmation battle last year after President Donald Trump named him to the US Supreme Court.
For someone who has worked as a federal criminal prosecutor for the better part of her life, it was a challenge for Anjali Chaturvedi to act as defence attorney in an alleged white collar crime. But her success vindicated her lifelong conviction that she should never shy away from challenges.
"My son is a high-quality person and I applaud his transparency," Trump said.
The shock move comes days after Comey testified on Capitol Hill about the FBI's investigation into Russia's election meddling and a possible collusion between the country and Trump's campaign.
US Senators Christopher Dodd, Connecticut Democrat and John Cornyn, Texas Republican have launched an attempt to revive the largely comatose US Senate India Caucus.
Given the sharp differences that the Democratic and Republican lawmakers and the White House has on various aspects of immigration reform including H-1B, the Congressional passage of the bill and its becoming a law as of now appears to be a tall order.
'To treat a Hindu fleeing persecution and certain death in Pakistan, Bangladesh or Afghanistan on par with a Muslim voluntarily sneaking into India for economic reasons or otherwise is callously cruel, blatantly perverse and grossly unjust.' 'The concept of equality cannot be invoked to perpetuate a historical wrong that needs to be righted,' argues Vivek Gumaste.
Industry sources told India Abroad they wouldn't shed any tears if the legislation died in the House.
As 2018 draws to a close and the white noise of 24-hour news cycles and Twitter storms fade into the background, it is already clear that history will remember only a handful of those people, each of whom has taught us something about ourselves and the rapidly changing world in which we live.
Trump said Putin would have been happier if Clinton had won as this would have made America weak.
According to experts, while allegations against Indian IT firms of visa misuse are nothing new, this time the scrutiny could be much greater.
The resolution now goes to the US Senate for a concurring vote.
Over the last few weeks, bipartisan support for India against China has been increasing.